The goal of the project: taking into account the lack of children's literature in the city and district Central Library System and branches of the Republic, to raise interest in children's literature through mobile exhibitions, to attract children to reading. To ensure children's reading needs throughout the year through inter-library subscription in the villages of those regions where book fairs will be held. To direct the public's attention to this issue in the places where the book caravan passes.
Partner: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Participating guests: Children's writers, editor-in-chief of "Tumurciq" newspaper.
Location of the project: Shabran, Khachmaz, Siyazan, Khizi, Guba and Gusar.
Date of the project: June 9-14, 2016.əbərlər/usaq-kitab-karvani-simal-bolg-sind-s-yyar-kitab-s-rgisi-siy-z-n-rayonunda