Head of department: Alakbarova Aysel Zahid gizi
General information about the department
Information bibliography department has been operating since 1965. The department is a scientific-practical area of the library, and in order to influence the use of printed works, it carries out the process of preparing bibliographic information and delivering it to users. Also, the department prepares universal bibliographic data sources based on registration of printed works included in the library. The materials published in periodicals are processed and reflected in the catalog and filing system. Descriptions of book articles, full-text electronic versions of newspaper and magazine articles collected on various topics are prepared and presented to users. In order to educate readers with bibliographic knowledge, it provides query-bibliography service through the information-bibliography apparatus reflected in the internal catalog and bibliographic card system. Prepares information bulletins about new publications, keeps records of the fund of paid references. The "International relations and international interlibrary subscription" department operates in the department and creates a reserve exchange fund of literature for the purpose of conducting the International Book Exchange.