The project is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic. The purpose of the project: to value the national spiritual feelings in the students, to ignite the love of patriotism in them, to remind them of the struggle for independence and freedom.
Partners: Secondary school No. 173 named after MNTusi
Participating guests: Tofig Najafli, deputy director of the Institute of History named after A.Bakikhanov of ANAS, doctor of historical sciences, teacher of BSU, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Rafig Gurbanov, employees of the Department of Education for Baku city, Taravat Muradova, deputy head of the Executive Power of Yasamal District, " An employee of the newspaper "Azerbaijani Melegiri", an employee of AzerTAC.
Venue of the project: secondary school No. 173 named after MNTusi
Project date: May 29, 2018.