"Fairytale Garden of the Turkish World" and "Mysterious Egyptian Tales"

Dedicated to the Year of Islamic Solidarity.

The purpose of the project: to bring alive examples of perfect oral literature born from the artistic thinking, rich imagination, understanding, and feeling of the Turkish and Egyptian peoples through fairy tales, to benefit the children's worldview with the drawings they draw on the fairy tales, to help the people's culture and folklore to be mastered more deeply.

Partners: TURKSOY, Azerbaijan Translation Center and Egyptian Center for Cultural and Educational Relations.

Participating guests: representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Nasimi District Executive Authority, TURKSOY, Atatürk Center, Azerbaijan Translation Center, Egyptian Embassy in Azerbaijan, Egyptian Cultural Center, National Library, Egyptian children's writer, Azerbaijani children's writers, children's literature researcher, schoolchildren, students, teachers and media workers.

Venue of the project: Carpet Museum, Fine Art Gallery of Children and Youth Development Center No. 1.

Date of the project: 09 December 2017, 15 May 2018.





